Monday, December 07, 2009


I try not to complain too much...but, I seem to have an unbelievable head cold or sinus infection, or just plain yuckies.

It may have started with Dave...or, maybe he picked it up from Celia, who may have gotten it at her daycare...or...? Who knows? Not that it matters where the germ originated...but, it's always fun to blame someone or something, right? : )

Keeping tissues close at hand, as well as lots of cough syrup and hot tea, I have been feeling pretty miserable these last few days. My head hurts all over...even my teeth hurt! You know what I mean?!

Luckily, I have a doctor's appointment this morning, so maybe she can shed some light on the situation and help me get rid of the yucks.

I hope so.

I'm ready for it to leave... : o

1 comment:

Tabor said...

Sounds like you caught the same thing hubby has. He is not seeing the doctor, but we will wait a few more weeks.