Tuesday, February 23, 2010

To buy or not to buy.....that is the question?

My 1999 Jeep Grand Cherokee is getting ready to need some expensive repairs including new brakes and rotors...and, it is a gas guzzler!!

The Subaru dealer has the car pictured above ready to sell. If I were to buy it before the end of the month, I could get a great deal on it.

But, I am petrified at the thought of making this huge purchase! Oh, what to do?

The car that I am interested in is the Subaru Forester....a small SUV with top safety ratings...and great gas mileage. It is smaller than my Jeep yet it has lots of room for cargo....including my pottery stuff.

It isn't an extravagant car....but, it is certainly car enough for me.

I could tweak my monthly budget to make room for a car payment. It is probably smarter for me to do this now before my older car begins to need major repairs. If I purchase it before the end of the month they will throw in free maintenance for two years.

It all sounds good....BUT....I just don't know whether or not to make this commitment at this time.


(It is cute though, isn't it?) : )

1 comment:

Granny Annie said...

You have already found a place for it in your budget. You will worry if you buy it. You will worry if you don't buy it. Buy it and drive safely with a free two year maintenance agreement. WhooHoo!