Sunday, July 16, 2006

Paper clips and Mid-East Wars....

Reading the Sunday paper from head to toe is a natural routine for me. I must confess that I usually go right for the comic section....followed by Lifestyle.....and then, on to the news of the day. I guess that the "fluffier" parts of the paper prepare me for the (sometimes) maudlin and depressing events in the world that usually take up the front page.

Today's worrisome headlines, unfortunately, spoke about the escalating bombing and destruction taking place in Israel and Lebanon. What tragic, horrendous violence is going on over there. It is hard for me to wrap my mind around these continuing acts of violence.......

So, I keep on looking through the paper...and.....then, on a lighter note, there is the pretty incredible story of a young man who started making trades with a single red paper clip in hopes of ending up with a home for himself. The journey of the paper clip and all that followed that first trade is so interesting...and, I must say a real "feel good" story. People from all over the world were willing to make trades with him..... and in the end a small town made him a final trade where he actually received a HOME right there in their town! The community put a sculpture of a large, red paper clip out on the lawn of his new home. Pretty fascinating stuff.

Soooo...on this Sunday in July I find that while nothing can really take away my sadness and horror at the world's least I can smile about a simple red paper clip's journey home.

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