Saturday, August 05, 2006

awaiting....The Cable Guy

Patience is the greatest of all virtues. Cato the Elder

Somehow, I absentmindedly allowed the cable company to put me in their schedule for a service call today for anytime between 8 and 5. What was I thinking????!! I now find myself trapped here at home until they arrive.

Well, I guess that I could make the most of it and get a lot of things done here today as I await their call. I am sure that would really not be a problem as there are a million projects that need completing around here.

It does amaze me that they are able to put our lives on hold in anticipation of their (possible!) arrival. What other situation finds us giving someone a nine hour time span to get something done?

Dave's out playing golf this morning....but, this 'entrapment' at home did force me to give him a little "to do" list of several outside errands to help me out with today. Hey,I had no choice... I mean, what's a girl to do?

: )

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