Monday, January 01, 2007


I hope that your New Year celebration was a good one and that you didn't awaken to 2007 bleary-eyed and fuzzy!

As I rang in the New Year last night I thought about how quickly 2006 seemed to go by... As I head into 2007 I am hopeful that I can get Life to slow down a bit.

The first thing on my agenda in this new year is getting used to writing down "2007". That always takes a while to get used to. I also need to start making a list of some resolutions and goals for the coming year and finish it sometime before 2008 rolls around. : )

I can't help but wonder what this coming year has in store for me. Oh, how nice it would be to get a little glimpse of our future before it occurs! With that in mind, I thought that I would take a look into the stars and see what lies ahead for me...

So, here is my "official" 2007 horoscope:

"A nurturing Cancer Full Moon in your 11th House (huh?) of Groups and Friends on Jan. 3 activates your need to be with like-minded people. You seek support from others, yet you may have concerns about how to express yourself within your group.(me, having a problem expressing myself? Never!)

Excitement during the start of the year fills your head with far-out idea as your key planet, Mercury, aligns with the Full Moon, the Sun, and erratic (!!) Uranus. This stimulates tons of brilliant thoughts that can be overwhelming, presenting you with the challenge of sorting through it all.

This mental exercise sets the tone for the weeks ahead as the planets pile up in quirky(quirky?) Aquarius in your 6th House of Details, culminating just a couple of days after the self-contained Capricorn New Moon on January 18. At this time, take notice of what brings you pleasure so that you can incorporate it into the busy days ahead...."yada yada yada

OK. I have absolutely no idea of what that all means...but, I must admit that I like the part about the "...brilliant thoughts" : )

As I kept on reading more of my horoscope, I did learn that my ruling planet (huh? again) is Mercury and that it is "rather agitated now". It goes on to say that this agitation is "...intensifying an already awkward situation". I can't, for the life of me, figure out what I have done to agitate my ruling planet....but you can bet that I will certainly be very careful from now on.

Well, with further thought....maybe I don't need to read what the stars have in mind for me after all.

Maybe I just need to live it and enjoy the surprises that might be in store during the coming year and hope for the best.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think it'll all come down to how erratic Uranus is.