Friday, February 09, 2007

OK. The word out on the "streets" is that there is some skepticism about my little Owen's being able to read at such an early age.

Many of you felt that I was just an overly proud Grammie exaggerating her first grandson's skills. Moi??

Well, as a follow up to yesterday's posting, I am uploading two more pictures of my "brilliant" Owen. More proof of this incredible early reading and comprehension skills!

Please note his intensity as he peruses the Sunday well as a later sighting where he was seen reading his brand new book from Aunt Janet and Uncle Jeffrey.

Case closed.

: ) LOL

(Truth be told....he was actually a bit more interested in "scrunching up and chewing" on the paper than actually reading it....but, hey, it's a start.... and it makes for a great photo opportunity!) Have a nice day!

1 comment:

Bert Bananas said...

Owen is in town? When did that happen? Did you know he was coming? Are you coping?