Tuesday, March 13, 2007

What I have learned so far...

It's a great life.

Most people mean well.

You get back what you give.

The older I get, the younger being 70, 80, 90 sounds.

Trust your gut instinct.

I cannot change others, but I can change the way that I react to the things they say or do.

Not everything can be explained or understood.

When people come to you with their problems, they just want to be heard and not "fixed".

No matter how old we get, we always carry a little of our childhood inside of us.

Words don't have to be hurtful unless I allow them to have that effect on me.

Love comes in many forms.

Just because someone doesn't do things the way that you would, doesn't mean that they are doing it wrong.

At times, the best thing to say is to say nothing at all.

Gentleness is a strength.

Reality shows are just that: "shows".

Sometimes it is best to just walk away from an uncomfortable situation.

Always think before you react...words spoken cannot easily be taken back.

Everyone just wants to be validated.

The supply of an individual's love is not diminished just because you love a lot.

Giving when no one knows what you have done is the most important kind of charity.

Sometimes, the more you have, the more you want.

Talking to yourself can be very informative and freeing.

Cherish the people in your life.

Spend a lot of time taking deep breaths.

Appreciate nature as much as you can.

Nothing solves things better than a hug.

Life's not always all about you.

"Letting go" is one of the more difficult things to do.

Keep some spontaneity in your daily life.

Smile a lot and keep people guessing.

It's okay to be wrong.

Everyone's life has its challenges.

Divorce's effects can be far-reaching.

Wrinkles happen no matter how expensive the creams are that we use.

Love yourself.

Celebrate life's little events as well as the big ones.

Accept differences and learn from them.

Take time to play.

Vegetables actually do taste good.

Confidence can make one beautiful.

Most photos of models are air-brushed.

Being a grandmother is a lot like being a mother without all of the anxiety.

Sometimes my cat is the only one who really understands me.

Good horoscopes are always accurate....the not-so-good ones are a bunch of whooey.

Accept compliments gracefully even if it embarrasses you.

Religion is very personal.

Family doesn't only have to consist of blood relatives.

Never stop learning.

Chocolate covered raisins contain a fruit...which makes them a health food.

When you look in the mirror, you still see a young person.

Learn to identify poison ivy.

Take risks.

When all is said and done, good health is one of the greatest blessings.

Use hot flashes to your advantage in the winter.

Keep dancing.

No one has all of the answers.

Wear comfortable shoes when you can.

Everything looks better when I don't have my glasses on.

The true test of friendship isn't how the person is when things are going badly for you, but, how they are when things are going well for you.

I wish that I had known then what I know now.

And, most importantly, I have learned that...

I still have a lot to learn.

What have you learned so far?


Bert Bananas said...

I memorized the 1968 edition of the Encyclopedia Brittanica and what it taught me has often needed editing.ioi

Clara....in TN said...

I have learned that I still have a lot to learn.