Wednesday, July 18, 2007

As Owen approaches the cute little blonde, it looks like he is saying: "Hey baby, want to come up to my crib later?"

The precious girl in this picture is Vera, visiting in Minnesota from Sweden with her mom and dad. Monica, Vera's mom, and Jenny have been best of friends since they were around thirteen years old. Jenny's uncle is best friends with Monica's dad from many, many years ago and they introduced the girls to each other when they were young. The relationship bloomed and has stayed strong through the years...both of them being in each other's weddings, etc. While Monica and her husband still live in Sweden, the distance has not kept them from staying in contact and remaining in each other's lives.

Now that Vera and Owen have seems as if this wonderful circle of friendship may continue to spread out to the next generation...How nice. : )


Jana said...

I'll have to let Fay know that Owen has found his woman and will be moving to Sweden one day soon...sigh... Nice your son is home, and much as I'd like to eat more GM cereal, there's just too much sugar and processing in there for me. If they had natural-or better - organic cereal, I'd be more apt to buy it! Do they ever do reasearch in the Northwest, I could make his group some of my famous oatmeal/molasses/almond cookies, guaranteed to make the wild dogs dash after them.

L. said...

Hi Jana! I love to get your comments....they are like a blog unto themselves. : )
Yes, it looks like Owen may have met his future Mrs. however...let's hope that Vera won't mind leaving Sweden and living here in the US....maybe even Bham?!?!? : )
Mmmmmm....your cookies sound very you share recipes?