Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Somehow I let yesterday get by without posting something about two very special people in my life who were celebrating milestone birthdays....

The first is my mom.

I will be flying down to Florida this Friday morning to take part in her birthday celebration, but I still want her to know that yesterday was certainly momentous and especially noteworthy. She has reached 85 years of life on this earth and is still going strong. For that, and so much more, I am so grateful and full of love. I can't wait to see you at the end of the week mom!!! : )

Then there is my dear, dear friend, Sharon who turned 60 yesterday!

I think that her birthday is made even more meaningful because she shares the date of her birth with my mom.

Sharon is one of those rare individuals who comes into one's life and you never want to let her go. She brings so much to my existence from her wonderfully fun and crazy sense of humor to her unbelievably loving generosity. We probably talk to each other on the phone 7-8 times a day about everything and nothing. We share a love for reality shows amongst other things...and discuss the "characters" on these shows as if they were close friends of ours. Sending love and hugs your way, Sharon...thank you for your friendship and for truly understanding "me".

Happy Belated Wishes to these two wonderfully unique women in my life...

1 comment:

Princess said...

A best friend sharing birth days with your mom? How much cooler can it get!!!