Monday, November 19, 2007

Preview of what's to come..... starting tomorrow night!!!!!!


Beverly said...

I know you can hardly wait, but aren't you glad you don't have a set of drums at your house, or do you?

Is Owen going to be a lefty? I think Ella is.

I'm flying up for a week starting December 2. My daughter is going to be in Knoxville for a wedding the next weekend, so she's going to drive up, and we'll have our Christmas with Ella then.

They're going to Sabrina's parents for Christmas, so I'm glad that it's working out thatwe'll be together the first of the month.

I don't need to tell you to have a happy Thanksgiving.

Beverly said...

I'm glad to see you're reading Jean's blog at "A Mountain too High." Her posts are so poignant, aren't they.