Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Attention All Scrabble Players!

I found this interesting.

As our language goes through changes....so do our dictionaries.

It was recently announced that the revised Oxford English Dictionary includes 2500 new words.

Here are a few examples:

crapola: (noun) Material of poor quality, rubbish; nonsense

omigod: (interjection) Expr. astonishment or shock, pain or anger: Oh my God!

fricking: (adj. and adv.) Expressing amazement, anger, exasperation, etc.

bogus: (noun and adj.) Very displeasing or inferior, bad.

buzzkill: (noun) A person or thing which dampens enthusiasm or enjoyment.

smoosh: (verb trans.) Squash, crush or flatten

unibrow: (noun) A pair of eyebrows that meet above the nose, giving the appearance of a single eyebrow.

"Omigod! I can't believe this fricking crapola! What a buzzkill this is to smoosh my knowledge of what I thought were merely bogus words."

Sorry, I couldn't think of a way to use "unibrow" in my exclamation...

: )

1 comment:

Beverly said...


Thanks for worrying about me. I just seem to work alot, and then blogging is at the bottom of my things to do. However, i read all my friends blogs when I get home.