Friday, May 30, 2008

So, here it is, Friday...and as I recall the happy times with Owen and family in Chicago....I am also packing up (again) as I head down to Florida first thing tomorrow morning.

My sisters and I are helping my mom make a move from the condo that she shared with my an Independent Living facility nearby.

Her new condo is much smaller than the old one, but will, hopefully offer her the freedom and independence that she will need.

Since she no longer drives, this facility will provide rides...and that is so important.

The "community" life there should also afford her an extended social life...and, hopefully open up some new worlds for her.

While we know and understand that this move is probably very overwhelming right now, we anticipate that this situation will give her many positive experiences now and in the future. I am sure that she is feeling a mixture of excitement and anxiety all at the same time.

For me, it will be heading down home for the first time since Dad died a couple of months ago. I am not sure how that will feel...I know that it will be very difficult....but, I also know that I will need to try and stay strong for Mom. She is my focus for right now.

Packing up her things...also means going back through so many memories. I can't even begin to imagine how this has been for her. I am sure that she looked for my Dad's help these last few months....only to find him not there.

Thankfully, two of my sisters who live there have been so supportive and helpful to Mom....and for the two of us who live out of town...we are so grateful for all that they have done. I know that it is always more difficult for the family who live there and become the caretakers....but, as I told one of my sisters this morning...there is also great sadness in being the one living out of town. I know that I am missing out on so much...and, many times find myself wishing that I could be there with them.

But, for now, I need to do what I can...and, spending the week there helping is what I can do.

I will try and make this transition a little easier on everyone.

I hope that I can accomplish that at the very least....

....with lots of hard work, love, hugs....

...and, even a little laughter thrown into the mix..... : )

1 comment:

Beverly said...

I will be thinking of you and hope the move will be a positive experience for your Mom.