Wednesday, July 09, 2008

I like her! I really like her!!?!

Lucky for Audrey that her big brother is a sweet, gentle soul and seems to like having her around so far! I am confident that he will move right into his new role pretty easily.

Of course, he will begin to demand more attention as the days go by...and Mommy will find herself nursing one baby while the other is clinging to her...He may not like having his need for attention shared with his little sister. While difficult at times, those of us with two or more children certainly can relate and empathize.

So, what I laughingly said to Jenny as I observed this behavior beginning to occur was:

" Welcome to the wonderful world of Motherhood!!!!!".

: )


Beverly said...

he is going to have an eye-opening moment soon...but, he is really cute.

Beverly said...

Oh, I remember those days so well. Once Don and I were in the grocery store with just one of the children, and he said to me, "It's so much easier when you have only one, isn't it." I smiled.

JeanMac said...

That last picture is great - the look of wonder on Audrey's face.