Saturday, August 30, 2008


Does every grandmother feel this way about their grandbabies?????

I am having a wonderful time just holding them, watching them, hugging them.....well, just being with them...

Owen's birthday party was supposed to be today...but, unfortunately, he began to have a fever yesterday....went to the doctor....and the party was put off until tomorrow. It seems as if his three new teeth that are trying to cut through are making him one miserable puppy. In this photo he is enjoying a popsicle...the cold feels so good on his gums. Poor little guy.

But, since we didn't do the party today, we decided to put together his birthday gift from all of the grandparents....a little play kitchen!

He had a ball "cooking" things on his play stove and serving them to the anxiously awaiting grandparents.

The males in the family thought that it was strange to give a little boy a kitchen (haven't they ever heard of famous male chefs???)...but, they were the first ones sitting on the floor and playing with Owen's newest toy!!!

More pictures to come....


Tired, but happy, Grammie


Beverly said...

You look so happy...I wonder why!!!

I hope Owen's fever goes away so that he can enjoy his party.

JeanMac said...

A perfect gift! Lovely, happy picture. Our younger son is a chef.