Experiencing the joy of being a grandmother of four...along with my observances of "Life" and all of its many challenges, joys....and, blessings.
She is absolutely gorgeous! Not all newborns are really pretty (only in the eyes of the parents,) but she is truly a beauty.Congratulations! Whatever are you going to do when all of this excitement settles down?!
You'll have to come up with a new image with her name and birthdate to go with Owen's and Audrey's on your right sidebar of your site. It can't be a heart, though, because Audrey's already laid claim to that...{smile}!
How absolutely beautiful!
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She is absolutely gorgeous! Not all newborns are really pretty (only in the eyes of the parents,) but she is truly a beauty.
Congratulations! Whatever are you going to do when all of this excitement settles down?!
You'll have to come up with a new image with her name and birthdate to go with Owen's and Audrey's on your right sidebar of your site. It can't be a heart, though, because Audrey's already laid claim to that...{smile}!
How absolutely beautiful!
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