Well, before you get too impressed, this was the word of the day emailed to me today:
Word of the Day for Wednesday, October 8, 2008
circumlocution \sir-kuhm-loh-KYOO-shuhn\, noun: The use of many words to express an idea that might be expressed by few; indirect or roundabout language.
I found it interesting that this word came up after the long-winded "town hall meeting" (turned debate) last night.
It was a war of the words again...with one big difference, though. I did feel that I learned a little bit about the positions that each are taking on health care, the environment, and the biggest (and scariest) issue: the economy.
If one could have removed the superfluous statements and digs that were made against each of the candidates as well as McCain's continual use of the words "my friends" (aaargh)....it might have actually been an educational evening.
In my opinion, way too much time was taken up with the candidates having to defend their position against the statements made by their opponent.
Stick to the facts, gentlemen...puleeze.
Well, before I get too wordy and give in to 'circumlocution' myself...I will end my 'rant' for today. : )
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