Thursday, January 01, 2009

1) Our Grand Chef.....Gary

2) My friend and partner in crime for over 30 years, Sharon..... and me

3) Gary wearing his glow-in-the-dark-teeth! Scary.

4) You wouldn't know it by the picture...but, these are glow-in-the-dark glasses on Sharon...!


JeanMac said...

Oh, what a post for me to read! i love food. What's Gary's address:)
Happy New year to you and Dave.

One Woman's Journey - a journal being written from Woodhaven - her cottage in the woods. said...

I agree - a dinner to die for.
One Woman use to eat like that and have friends like that. What has happened!!! I must sound rather dull. But take you away from everything familiar. Alone - maybe I am normal.
Anyway the meal sounded fabulous and I think you have a great life. My past was interesting and now wondering about the future. Grammie I am almost envious. I am smiling. Up for tea at this in the night time as I have an upset stomach.