Thursday, September 10, 2009

Actually, in all could get a quick look at the Mississippi River if you scrunched up to the window and looked sideways.

That being said, I must say that the room was really lovely...and, the people at the casino could not have been any more friendly, kind, or upbeat. From the people cleaning up the rooms to the higher end were always greeted with a smile and a kind word. It was very pleasant!

I guess that is why I like the South so much...


Eating our way through the (award winning) buffet on Saturday night, I was delighted to open up my fortune cookie and read the following: "An unexpected payment is coming your way!".

Now that is what one wants to hear when visiting a casino.

Unfortunately, not all fortune cookies speak the truth, in that I left a little more money there than I came home with!

I guess that as long as there isn't a statue of limitations on this particular fortune, I might still have time to receive that "unexpected payment".

One can only hope....


Until that payment comes my way....I am off to walk and then start my day creating pottery... : )

1 comment:

listen for azure said...

Hmmm, is payment always monetary?

Welcome back - I missed you!