As soon as I arrived in Florida....the "pink"ing began.
One of the first steps was to decorate the port-o-lets for the Race for the Cure. These "potties" are "purchased" with a $50 donation to breast cancer research and decorated to the hilt inside and out! They are later judged and given prizes in various categories.
Of course, my sister, Karen, already had her creative ideas for her two, we got to work. My other sister, Sherri, was in charge of the whole potty, it was really a family affair.
Many of the potties were humorous....while a few were put together to honor a loved one with cancer and were more serious.
Here are a few that I captured on film....(The first one shows my sister Karen in front of her two potties....the first one honoring the head of the Race this year and the one alongside of it honoring the "Warriors in Pink". The next one was a pink castle with the words: "Royal Flush" on the front....and the third one touts that breast cancer comes in all sizes! )