Monday, April 26, 2010

I 'nose' it will be okay!

I went to the plastic surgeon this morning as suggested by the doctor on Sunday. The bad news was that he pinched, squeezed, and manipulated my nose into all kinds of positions to see what the story was. Then to add insult to injury, all sizes of Q-tips were placed in and about the inside of my nose as he searched for heaven knows what....while wearing what could best be described as a miner's hat with the bright light attached to the top. The whole thing was quite uncomfortable...but, I guess, necessary.

The good news was that the fracture is minor and he did not feel that anything more needed to be done....except being careful and letting it heal. He put a couple of strips of some sterile bandage across the cut on the bridge of the nose and told me to leave that there for the week. It should also help to keep the swelling down.

But, the very best news of the day was Celia and Janet's arrival!!!!! Celia was all smiles as I greeted them at the, from that point on she "had" me! She is so adorable...and such fun. I am looking forward to tomorrow when I get to 'babysit' her the whole day while her mom takes part in a seminar downtown.

A good night's sleep and a couple of extra vitamins in the morning...and I will be ready to go!

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