Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Crib set up? Check. Diapers purchased? Check.

Training wheel bike tire repaired? Check. Helmets ready? Check. Sandbox filled? Check. Car seats installed? Check. High chair borrowed? Check. Instructions from Mommy read? Check. Toys purchased? Double check!(ha ha) Electrical sockets plugged? Check. Cookies baked? Check. Etc. Etc. Etc.

My shopping list this week looks very different than it usually does. I have two new "little people" arriving who will be under my care for several days and I want to have everything ready so that I can just enjoy them!!!

Tomorrow night cannot come soon enough.

Grammie's arms ready for some grandbaby hugs? CHECK!

: )

1 comment:

Beverly said...

I've been here in Virginia for a week and a half...going home on Saturday. Being with these little people is such a wonderful time!