Sunday, July 17, 2011

Way to go, Woody!

Dave and I went to see Midnight in Paris yesterday afternoon.  It is being called "one of Woody Allen's best" by critics.  I found it to be interesting and quite delightful....but, not what I would actually expect from "cousin" Woody. 

Yes, I am related to Woody Allen.  My father's dad (my grandfather) and Woody's mom were sister and brother.

When my dad was alive, he may have seen Woody on one or two occasions up in New York many, many years ago.....but, as far as the rest of my family....nope.  He probably wouldn't have any idea who I was....but, that is okay.  I know that we are related. :  )

                                              (Mom, Dad and a much younger Woody long ago!)
There was a period of time (like when he married his daughter!?!) that I would have denied the connection....but, now that time has passed I am much more comfortable talking about it.

Anyway, back to the movie.  I do recommend it....the acting is great and the scenery is magnificent.  There is a great lesson to be learned within the story....and, it has some good laughs all throughout.

Way to go, Cuz! : )


Granny Annie said...

Grammie, Grammie, Grammie,what can I say? Woody Allen? OMG...well, perhaps if he had known you he would have been a better person. I know I'm a better person for knowing you.

L. said...

Thanks for your sweet, sweet comment! I feel the same way about you, Annie...

Princess said...

no wonder you're so artistic... and wow... Woddy Allen????!!!!