After the doctor's appointment yesterday, they found out that progress has been made...but, s-l-o-w progress. When it comes to babies, nature wants to take its own sweet time...and that is probably a good thing...but can make each day feel like 'forever' for first time parents.
I was actually two weeks late when I was pregnant with Adam. I mostly remember the well-meaning, but increasingly difficult, phone calls asking, "Anything happening yet?".
Yes, something was happening....
I was still carrying around a stomach the size of Rhode Island with a little person inside trying to kick his way out!
Yes, I could hardly walk because of the extra 40 pounds that were now a part of my body.
Yes, I felt about as attractive as the Goodyear blimp.
Yes, I hadn't seen my feet for the last 3 months and, please don't ask me to touch my toes.....not gonna happen!
Yes, I was sleeping well....every hour or so.
Yes, I was having to go to the bathroom 15-20 times a day as the baby was sitting right on top of my cute little bladder!
Yes, my hormones were raging and I was crying over everything.
Yes, I was about to experience a MIRACLE in my life.
Other than that, nothing much was happening....
Thanks for asking. : ) : ) : )
You know what???? I get the feeling Buddha will be as crazy in love with you as you are with him. I can't wait to hear of his arrival!!!!
Thanks, Clara! : )
My first grandchild - Fay is just over a year now, and I so enjoy reading your insites into the new baby and parenthood. My daughter Amanda has become the wonderful loving gentle and patient person I always hoped she'd be, now that someone is demanding of her time and attention. Fay's walking now and saying a few words. My favorite thing she does - the thing that brings tears to my eyes every time - is the wonderful hugs and back-pats that she gives.
I remember clearly the first time I held her - I felt such a rush of love and emotion that I cried. Now I look at Fay in wonder, and realize it won't be very long before she's calling and asking me to share the cost of her first car with her other grandparents, or gosh, will it be a personal space ship!! Good luck grammie, I hope Buddha comes soon!!
One bit of advice I hope you'll pass onto the parents is to give baby water!! Oh, and mom can ease a lot of her physical woes too by drinking lots and lots of water... might as well, she has to pee anyway, might as well be productive!! Take care and good luck to the new parents!!
What a beautiful message! Thanks so much for sharing your feelings about your precious Fay. Reading your comment makes me even more anxious to meet my grandson....!!! Today is the actual due date.....but you can't rush Mother Nature!
I will pass on the water suggestions....thanks!
Hopefully, I will have some wonderful news to share with everyone soon....Grammie
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