As I peruse my local newspaper, the blaring headlines scream out the following things going on locally and around the world:
Suicide bombings (I'll never understand this lack of value given to human life)!
Ozone holes (huh?)!
Crashed airliner found in the Amazon (so tragic...)!
E. coli and spinach (what would Popeye do??)!
Colorado shooting (how awful!)!
American Idol trio are here picking finalists for the new season (I wonder how Simon and Paula are getting along...and are we really interested??)!
Florida Representative Foley resigns amid a nasty scandal involving improper emails sent to an underage page (embarrassing)!
Death toll in Iraq continues to rise (when is this war going to end?? Is this war going to ever end?)!
Local football team loses a pivotal game and is now out of the race to be #1 in the nation (Hoover High featured on an MTV show...maybe the pressure of all of the cameras finally got to the players....or their egos?!)!
Mideast issues continue (continual...)!
World leaders blasting Bush (no matter what personal feelings one might have.....he is our leader....where is the outrage?)!
School principal killed in shooting (scary)!
Crime is up all over (and continuing to rise)!
Madonna is the highest paid female singer on the planet (do we care?)!
Cheating controversy hits Russian Chess Championship as player takes too many bathroom breaks and it is thought to be receiving technical help via a computer (is nothing sacred anymore?)!
...and on and on.....
But amongst these headlines, there are also the following stories offering a bit of comic relief:
A chicken name Henrietta was spotted on Pennsylvania farm and was found to have four legs! (I didn't realize that farmers even named their chickens!)
A passenger snuck a pet hamster onboard an Austrian Airlines flight. The hamster got loose and the airplane had to make an unscheduled stop at the nearest airport to deal with the matter.
...and recently a bride in California was found riding a camel to the church for her wedding. (That couldn't have been real comfortable in her bridal gown!)
Now, after reading these stories, my question is....which news is more absurd, illogical, or preposterous...the headlines or these humorous stories above????
I'm not sure anymore. Are you?
Good question. After 9/11 I couldn't stop watching the news. This lasted for months. Now I go for weeks trying to avoid the news. I believe the media is one of America's biggest problems. I read somewhere, and I believe it's probably true, that if the present media had existed during WWII, we would have lost the war.
Interesting comments, Teresa. Thanks!!
I sometimes wonder if the extensive scrutiny and media coverage of today might have caused people to see firsthand the horrific atrocities that were going on in Germany during WWII? I wonder if that could have changed the course of the Nazi's?
But everybody knew ! Even the pope in his Vatican didn't help at all (where is the christian love for his next ?) but nobody moved. For the whole world it were just a few jews killed. Nobody cared. There were no petrol or other big money involved and for that reason not worthwhile. Or do you think Bush started the war for helping the poor irak people ??? And now with all these anniversaries, and celebrations and the "never again"s is just for bad concience.
Over here people think that the war in Irak will be the second Vietnam for America. And all these poor soldiers are dying for nothing ! That's why I prefer Henrietta's fate or the airplane hijacked by a hamster. what was his name ?
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