Tuesday, November 07, 2006

...and I hope that you did, too!

Make your voice heard today and cast your vote for the candidates of your choice. Even though it is a soggy day here in Birmingham, the polls were quite crowded this morning.... so that is a good sign that people are exercising their right to vote.

I don't know about you, but I feel like it is such a privilege to be able to cast my vote.

But, in all honesty, I am also really happy that all of the pre-election 'junk' (that's putting it mildly) will be over after today!!! No more signs littering the area, no more phone calls, no more fliers in the mail.......ah! : )


Clara....in TN said...

I voted! Like you, I feel privileged to be able to vote. I detest people who do not vote then complain about who won!

Moobear said...

Hey Grammie,
We went and voted after Jerrell got home from the dentist. I mainly wanted to vote for a sweet lady I know running for clerk of court and vote against our current sheriff. I feel better having done it, now let's get the signs down and no more phone calls please. Have a great evening friend.