Friday, December 15, 2006

The Festival of Lights

Tonight marks the beginning of Chanukah.......

It is a holiday that commemorates the time in history when a handful of Jewish soldiers defeated a seemingly invincible Syrian army to take back their Temple. A single flask of undefiled olive oil was found in the Temple...enough to burn for a single day.....but, it miraculously burned for eight full days.

So, for the next eight days, candles will be lit in celebration of this miracle. While it is actually a rather minor holiday in the Jewish religion, it has been built up in past years due to the fact that it falls around the same time as Christmas. Decorations and gift-giving have become part of the tradition.

To me, the light that shines from the candles on the menorah holds meaning even beyond the Chanukah story. From the beauty of the birth of a child, I am constantly reminded of the miracles that surround me every day.

The light reflected from those candles is also a sign of hope. This year I hope again, for peace in this troubled world. Just as the small army of soldiers was able to defeat a larger and stronger presence many years ago, I am hopeful that people all over will realize their individual importance in ending the wars and strife that surround us. Hatred and bigotry can be eradicated and replaced with love and hope one person at a time....

In my own naivete', I truly do believe this in my heart.

I hope that you do, too.

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1 comment:

Gattina said...

I join you, I prefer to be naive and believe that once people will wake up and end all these horrible wars.
Since a few years people put candlestands in their windows which are out of white wood with electric white candles and just look like your menorah. I have one too and it's just beautiful when it's dark outside. But I am sure that nobody knows that it comes from the jewish use (I didn't know either it's only now that I found out) Your fog picture is beautiful ! But does your cat not catch the birds when you have a feeder ? I could never put up one !