Friday, April 20, 2007

Are You Smarter Than A Fifth Grader?

Can you answer this question correctly? : )

5. How long is one regular term for a U.S. Representative? A. 1 year B. 2 years C. 3 years D. 4 years E. 6 years

This is just one question on a test that I took recently to see if I was as smart, or smarter, than a fifth grader. I confidently attempted the test knowing that I was an intelligent woman and this would be a piece of cake. After all, I had a college degree!

Well, I'm not about to tell you my total score (!), but, suffice it to say, it was eye-opening for me. And, I was a fifth grade teacher way back when....

When this new hit show first started, I must admit that I was quite skeptical. While the premise is pretty basic, I think that the real issue here is recognizing our own limitations when it comes to our general knowledge. The questions presented on the show are all on subjects that are based on a fifth grade curriculum and below.

OK, if you have a smirk on your face right now as you read this, I challenge you to go ahead and take the test. It is pretty humbling....but, if you are brave enough, let me know how you did...

Good luck! : )

(Oh, and if you want to know the answer to the above will have to take the test!)


Bert Bananas said...

I missed the prime number one, because to me a prime is number divisible only by itself AND 1. So my logic ruled out 1 as being in this class, although I understand their thinking. But I was righter then I was wrong.

And I flipped a coin on the turtle; I guessed amphibian...

Other than that I am a very well informed American adult. I am smarter than a fifth grader, and I can putt.

Princess said...

Hi, Grammie,
I just nominated you to The Thinking Blogger Awards.
