Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Audrey and the new chair!!

Audrey at 7 weeks! She looks like a little doll sitting on this new (big) hot pink chair!


JeanMac said...

Where did the time go and she does look like a little doll!

Beverly said...

Seventeen weeks already? It seems like you were just there. They just grow so fast, don't they. I've been reading your saga of the remotes...LOL

The time with Ella was way too short, but we had a great time with her. I'll be going back in October when the weather is cooler.

L. said...

ooops....typo....I meant 7 weeks....
: )

Beverly said...

That's more like it...LOL

Blessed Beyond Stress said...

I can't get over how long her lovely little legs are!!! She's ballerina-bound for sure, don't you think?