Experiencing the joy of being a grandmother of four...along with my observances of "Life" and all of its many challenges, joys....and, blessings.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Oh my!
Much to my delight....I just checked through Jeffrey and Janet's web albums and found some brand new pictures of grandbaby Celia!
What a cutie...just had to share this latest pix with you all.
What a sweetheart. Thank you for your kind comments on my journal. If you cannot write from your heart then there is no reason to write. That is how I feel. Especially since this is a journal for future generations. A good day today. Raining but I ran errands and just made homemade granola and getting ready to bake apricot bread. Have a good day!!!
What a sweetheart.
Thank you for your kind comments on my journal. If you cannot write from your heart then there is no reason to write. That is how I feel. Especially since this is a journal for future generations.
A good day today. Raining but I ran errands and just made homemade granola and getting ready to bake apricot bread.
Have a good day!!!
Does anyone in the world appreciate baby pictures as much as grandmothers do? Yep, she's a doll baby.
Wow, has she ever grown - what a cutie!
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