Experiencing the joy of being a grandmother of four...along with my observances of "Life" and all of its many challenges, joys....and, blessings.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
I tried to remedy the flowing chocolate topping with a handfull of crushed Oreo's....so, here is the final product. It kind of looks like a huge toasted (burnt)marshmallow...doesn't it?
I am hopeful that it will taste better than it looks.
Sometimes when something does not look like we want it to it is still delicious. With all those wonderful ingredients it has to be good. Happy Birthday Grammie's Dave.
Grammie, I am sure that given your history together Dave will love it no matter what it looks like...and "One Woman's Journey" is right, it has to be good with all those delicious ingredients! Tell Dave I said, "Happy Birthday!"
Sometimes when something does not look like we want it to it is still delicious. With all those wonderful ingredients it has to be good. Happy Birthday Grammie's Dave.
Grammie, I am sure that given your history together Dave will love it no matter what it looks like...and "One Woman's Journey" is right, it has to be good with all those delicious ingredients! Tell Dave I said, "Happy Birthday!"
You could put a broad satin ribbn around it and tie it in a bow. That would look good. Or maybe one of those paper frills.
I bet it tastes great anyway.
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