Experiencing the joy of being a grandmother of four...along with my observances of "Life" and all of its many challenges, joys....and, blessings.
More....."peas". : )
Hooray!!! I was going to cal lyou (promises, promises) and I ended up on a work call all the way in. This work stuff is overrated :-)Safe travels and have a blast if I don't tlak to you!
And such a gorgeous face it is! We will be awaiting the tale of your adventures with Celia.
Well, you are almost there, aren't you. I don't have to tell you to have a good time. I've been reading your posts without leaving a comment each time. I always looking at pictures of those adorable grandchildren.
she is one cutie....
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Hooray!!! I was going to cal lyou (promises, promises) and I ended up on a work call all the way in. This work stuff is overrated :-)
Safe travels and have a blast if I don't tlak to you!
And such a gorgeous face it is! We will be awaiting the tale of your adventures with Celia.
Well, you are almost there, aren't you. I don't have to tell you to have a good time. I've been reading your posts without leaving a comment each time. I always looking at pictures of those adorable grandchildren.
she is one cutie....
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