At 5 p.m. yesterday Dave began to drink 8 ounces every ten minutes from this gallon container of cherry flavored liquid.
For those of you who have already been through this, you will undoubetly recognize this as part of the preparation for the "dreaded" colonoscopy!
Because Dave unfortunately has a strong family history of colon cancer, I put the colonoscopy request on my birthday wish list this year (September). It took some prodding nagging to get him to finally make the appointment...but, eventually, he gave in and made the date for his colonoscopy today.
While the "prep" part is certainly not much fun, the procedure itself isn't that much at, he was totally sedated during it.
And, when all was finished and the doctor came out to give me the results---"Everything looked great...all was clear....we will see him in 5 years"...I realized that I couldn't have asked for a better birthday present!
(Give yourself the best gift of good health...if you are over 50, please go and have a colonoscopy!)
What a loving gift you asked for. My last one I had to take pills and drink fluids. Much better process.
Seven colonoscapy appointments behind us, every one means someone is alive to have another. What a great thing to ask for - peace of mind!
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