Result of doing this: I finally dragged my groggy self out of bed this morning at 8:45!
That makes it feel like the day is already half gone.
Ah...the NCAA basketball tournament has started....and, you know what that means....Dave will be glued to the television all day and night.
I must admit that I actually enjoy watching these games....but, mostly the last quarter. That's when all of the excitement happens. Overtime is even better!
Well, the basement is still there....unfinished and uncarpeted and dusty. The outside walkway is still a pile of dirt with chunks of broken concrete piled high. The destoyed landscaping is still that...destroyed.
Like I told a friend this morning, the insurance companies are quick to take your money....but,
s-l-o-w to cover your damages.
I'm trying to cope with it all....thus the saying at the title of this post! : )
Today is my middle sister's birthday. Happy, happy day, Sherri! I hope that the sun is shining down there in Florida and that you have a nice luncheon this afternoon.
It still blows me away that you are getting older....especially since you will always be younger than me!
Today the reupholsterer (sp?) should be returning my couch cushions. The stuffing had gotten a bit flat and they were going to plump them up a bit.
I am crossing my fingers that they arrive because the large couch is pretty much the only place to sit in my great room...and, I am having dinner company tomorrow night.
While in Target yesterday shopping for birthday cards, I noted that the cards in the "specific age" category ranged from 1 year old to 100 years old! I commented to the saleslady that it was so wonderful that people were living long enough these days to warrant a card celebrating birthdays in the 90's and on up.
She agreed while I was thinking that I would, hopefully, merit one of those cards one day... : )
Well, it is a beautiful day here in, I am off to take my morning walk.
Don't take things too seriously today...and have a good one!
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