Sunday, January 23, 2011

"Cherish all your happy moments; they make a fine cushion for old age."

With all four of my grandchildren living out of town, my contact with them is somewhat limited to phone calls, celebrating special occasions and holidays, Skyping, and lots and lots of travel.

So, in between all of this, I want to have a presence in their lives. Thus, "Happy Gifts" came to be.

A "Happy Gift" is a little something special that is sent to them when there isn't any occasion at all....just something to make them smile and know that their Grammie loves and misses them. While they may expect presents on special occasions, this random gift is usually an unexpected surprise.

Before sending the package out, I will usually color the outside of the plain brown carton with hearts, balloons, happy faces, etc. and the message that this is a "Happy Gift from Grammie"...being sent in a box filled with LOVE. : )

( This post is a part of the All About Parenting blog carnival on
See the invitation here.)

1 comment:

Susan Adcox said...

This is a great idea! I especially like your idea of decorating the box. It takes me back to when I used to draw a picture each day on my oldest daughter's lunch sack. She always loved showing my artwork off to her friends. But she got too old, and with the subsequent kids I was too busy to play artist in the morning.