Thursday, October 16, 2008

This cartoon in today's paper made me laugh as I thought about a future conversation that Owen and I might have.

You see, I love to sing that song to the grandkids and recently I even looked up the words to make sure that I was getting them all right.

Seeing Owen getting so grown up now and so busy learning about and discovering his own world....I am wondering if there will come a day when he will not be quite as interested in "Grammie's singing?

I'm already getting a little peek into that time when I get on the webcam (Skype) with him now. He is so into everything around him that Grammie's presence doesn't hold his interest as well right now. In fact, the other day, he discovered the button that can turn off the Skype...and, after a while of visiting with me online, he went to the button and said: "Turn off Gammie" followed by "Bye, bye Gammie". Of course, his daddy didn't allow him to shut things down...but, I realized then that my time of holding his attention was coming to a close.

I hope that he doesn't want to use that button when I am there in person!


: )


Granny Annie said...

I'm glad you found me so I could find you. Evidentally we have much in common, starting with Owens in our lives. My dad was Owen and my newest grand nephew is Owen. The Owens I know and have known are spectacular and sounds like yours is too.

I sing that song to my grandchildren with my own version. I am expecting my youngest grandchild to ask me to stop soon. LOL I remember my grandson Ryan, now 16, reaching the age he pressed his hand over my mouth and said "Don't sing Granny Annie."

Granny Annie said...

P.S. It's me again. Our Owen was born September 2, 2008.

Anonymous said...

My mom used to sing that to me, too!!