Experiencing the joy of being a grandmother of four...along with my observances of "Life" and all of its many challenges, joys....and, blessings.
It's just a number, right?
A very, very high number though.... : O
Happy Birthday to me!
a little bit "cranky"...but, very blessed,
Cranky on your birthday? I wish I lived closer, I'd take you out for tea and scones and those little cakes!HAPPIEST BIRTHDAYS to a dear friend!XOXOXOXOXO
You are ten numbers below me! Talk about cranky! :-) HAPPY BIRTHDAY YESTERDAY!
Happy Birthday Grammie! Just go look at the pictures of Owen, Audrey and Celia and you won't be cranky anymore.
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Cranky on your birthday? I wish I lived closer, I'd take you out for tea and scones and those little cakes!
HAPPIEST BIRTHDAYS to a dear friend!
You are ten numbers below me! Talk about cranky! :-) HAPPY BIRTHDAY YESTERDAY!
Happy Birthday Grammie! Just go look at the pictures of Owen, Audrey and Celia and you won't be cranky anymore.
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