Saturday, January 22, 2011

I just poured myself a little glass of wine.... I am watching the UAB (University of Alabama in Birmingham) vs. Memphis basketball game go into overtime. So is making me nervous.

UAB hasn't beaten Memphis in 9 the pressure is on to end that losing streak.....and, Dave is at the game with a friend. I know that he is enjoying it all...especially having it go into an extra five minute period!

I get so wrapped up in these close situations and even find myself yelling at the television!  I should know the outcome by the time that this post is done.

Go Blazers!!!
Dave and I had our first date in January, 2003.  It was a blind date and we met at P.F. Chang's for dinner. The date went well and before heading home he presented me with a single rose from inside his car.  I always wondered if I would have gotten that rose had it not been such a nice evening.  But, all in all, it was a very sweet gesture.

So, now, 8 years later, Dave and I went to dinner last night to celebrate our anniversary.  We had a wonderful dinner at a local Italian restaurant. It was yummy. 

Unlike that first date many years ago, we were relaxed and comfortable with each other and weren't worried about any silent moments as we sat together and enjoyed our meal.  We were an "old dating couple" by now and it was nice.

As we got into Dave's car at the end of the evening, he reached into his back seat and (yes) presented me with, not one, but two beautiful red roses....reminiscent of that cold January night so long ago.

Well, UAB just lost in overtime....their 10th loss to Memphis.

But, there's always next time.

I think that I will go and smell my beautiful  roses.    : )

1 comment:

Tabor said...

Sweet post! Sorry about the game.